I feel ashamed to have payed money for this book, 34 dollars which is a hefty price for a paperback. I guess the price relates mainly to Bukowskis cult status of "literary caveman". There is only so much misery one can take, but whats worse about this piece of shit novel is that the miserable cockroach starts fucking all these women. All though i love bukowski as a writer this novel reeks of sick glory.
In Woman Chinaski,the down and out hero of Ham On Rye, Post Office and Factotum has been replaced by a successful leach who basically travels around trying to have sex with as many young women as possible. Although not as shit as his worst novels Pulp and Hollywood, Women is nothing more than a vile brag. Does the ends justify the means? does one have to be such an asshole to write such comic realism.
how dare call Bukowski a caveman.