And then the boat smashed open and the Jaws of death rose from the deep and clamped down around my stomach and I gagged and I gurgled on my own blood, and as the giant mechanical teeth of Jaws pressed down on me, and I thought about the Japanese submarine, and how I had just delivered the bomb, the Hiroshima bomb, but then the shark began to pull me down into the water. It felt cool and dark. It pulled me down into the deepness. I sunk like a stone. down, down, deeper still, and colder and darker, and darker until complete darkness, an infinite blackness, and a silence, and a stillness. I felt like a photograph, a daguerreotype. Long into the darkness I floated there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming thoughts no mortal had ever dared to dream before. Then a bright blue fuzz erupted and went zapp in the darkness like a nuclear warhead erupting, and I saw the face of god, the omnipotence, it was David Attenburough. Exposed,a white divine gandolphian visage. He flashed and disappeared. Then he began speaking in his humble yet sterile english accent,
' Frank, Frank you have drifted into the deep, a place without walls,' and as he spoke I saw a hideous transparent white monster that glowed and flashed and had array of stalactite teeth and globular spherical eyes.
'am I dead, or alive,'
'Neither,' he said
'What do you mean?'
'Your dreaming the dream Frank. There is no reality here, you are neither alive, dead, real or unreal, dreaming or not dreaming'
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