Oft to ponder the big questions in life I began my day in asking the question;
Given that everything in the universe is subject to thermonuclear death, what can be said of language, communication, words. When is a word at it's most charged state and when is it devoid of all energy,and zero power?
I began my research in the virtuals of science fiction but soon abandoned this for a faster system of language. A system that is both atomic and catalytic to language: Chemistry and language although at first glance would seem apposed, they both at heart share the same purpose of transformation.
(RS)-6-(Dimethylamino)-4,4-diphenylheptan-3-one) is also known generically as Methadone.
Methadone, Junky Juice, Petrol, Done, Drone, D.
Above we see its etymological destruction in various cultural forms; however, it can go no further in D. D is a singularity. Here we have a structural collapse of language down to its smallest common denominator. This unarticulated, instantaneous form radiates more energy than all others. In advertising language is reduced to this same minimality to amplify the message. Macdonalds becomes that giant M. Less becomes more, Its infinite power resides in what it isn't.
Is a singularity in language equal to the singularity of the universe.
In literature a good example of the singularity can be discovered in the novels of Franz Kafka. In naming his protagonist K. and not john, jill, frank, but in just K he encompasses the whole unverse of language. K can mean anything. K is everyone.
So what one can conclude from this is, is that by the implosion of language there is also an explosion of language. As with the singularity in our universe the smaller the point of infinite density, the greater the expansion.
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