You are in the deep, the deep zone, a weird world of gloom and nothingness,'said David.
'Am to sit here forever,'
'No, even though you cant feel it your still falling, this ocean has no bottom,' and he then began reading the script
'survival in the dark zone is all about seeing and yet not being seen,'
a large zap exploded in the darkness and I saw another long grotesque ghostlike monster, it wiped past me, and then suddenly it was ripped apart by a gigantic red thing, snake like, but eyeless.
'Down in the deep,' continued David narrating, 'the horror is real, see Zenithon, an equal for any Leviathan, he first electrocutes his victim and then secretes an acid that allows for a mysterious metabolic transference to take place, one that science can only wonder at.'
Then the thing disappeared and it was dark again.
'Down here Zenithon is God, not me Frank. He's brings the light, and feeds the deep, all hail Zenithon,' said David.
David where am I going?'
'To meet your maker, he said, his voice weakening.
'And who's he?'
'It Maybe Bill Gates or maybe he's sold you off to some Arab who owns you now. To be honest Im not sure who's rostered on tonight, and it all depends on which channel your genetic future is being traded at, Lincaft, Halliburton or even Yawah's... and in some parts here the snails have control.'
his voice slowly drifted away into nothingness. And I was alone again, and an infinite despair filled my mind, and I began crying but my tears didn't dribble down my face. They shot up like rays of white light, rising, rising, and thought, 'rise rise, spark of joy, beautiful spark of divinity, daughter of Elsyium,' and then I heard a sound, the most beautiful sound I have ever heard, BADUMP BADUMP A DUMP A Duump, It was the beginning to Wagners flying Dutchman and I began to feel a warmth within me, the light growing from my tears was spreading. And as I was wondering why I didn't get the Ninth, I turned and saw the body of Nietzsche floating next to mine, his face was smiling, grinning into oblivion.
Good to see you Frank, don't see many people down here,' he said
'Were am I?,'I asked
'im still trying to figure that one out, but there has to be an exit down here somewhere.
Surely its eternity,' I said
'Eternity what? the sun invaded by the sea,' said a girls voice.
And I turned saw Anne Frank hovering in the darkness, her little nymph body flashing, flashing, going zap, zap like she was stuck in a bug trap. I reached out to touch her and felt my brain explode.