Previously on Paradise lost: Satan and his court fallen from heaven gather themselves and recollect their fall, they hold their first debate in Pandemonium on what to do, where to go from this infinite state of collapse. One could almost see cosmological allusions to Milton's Hell being set at the center of a black hole. This is a way one could solve hells problem of having no gravity.
I started reading Book 2 of Paradise Lost in a park located near the coliseum; however, i soon had to move along when a crowd football supporting ruffians and boganic pagans issues from the temple of boof-head worship, forthwith they came like maggots from the entrails of a dead goat. It was clearly too dangerous to be reading such an epic poems while goons kicked banana shaped footballs everywhere, so i fled to the battlement of my home.
Book two presents Hell as a democracy. Satan and his fallen angels are given free speech and the vote. This contrast heaven where god sits on his ass and rules omnipotent over everything.
Moloch is the first to speak and he wants war even if war cannot be won he still wants to fight. Then Belial argues that they should just stay in hell and chill out because god may do worse to them.
'Thus Belial with word cloth'd in reasons garb,
Counsell'd ignoble ease, and peacefull sloth.'
Them Mammon( my favorite) adds to Belials idea and getting to the point of heaven.
'How wearisome Eternity so spent
In worship to whom we Hate.'
This would suck. Mammon's second idea is to make hell comfortable by creating a greatness in hell to match that of heavens. Then Beelzebub hits on an idea, why don't we go and fuck up gods newest creation Earth?. That would be a good way to get back at the old fool. Hells council like this idea and they vote in favor of it.
But who's going to go? Satan himself takes to the task.
My favorite part in book two has to be when Satan meets his daughter Sin, whom he gave birth to through masturbating her out of his head, amazing i know. Then he decides to sleep with her and create a son named Death. Its a sick sad world down in hell.
Sin holds the key to hells gates and guess what three headed animal lives in her loins? Cerberus. But how stupid can god get, giving up the keys to a crack whore who sleeps with her dad. Satan quickly persuades her to let him through, and anon he travels into the vast abyss in search of earth.
I am really enjoying this poem.
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